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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Hino Motors False Performance Class Action FAQs

A Special Investigation Committee found, on 2 August 2022, that Hino Motors Ltd had engaged in misconduct, including by misreporting the Fuel Efficiency and Emissions of various of their diesel models. We have commenced a class action on behalf of affected vehicle owners and click here to access the Class Action Summary Statement. Find out below more information about the Hino performance claim and how you may be included in the proposed action. 

What did Hino do?

After investigations by various regulators, including United States authorities, a Special Investigation Committee composed of outside experts recently concluded that after the introduction of various sets of emissions regulations in 2003 and 2005, Hino had adopted emissions treatment systems in order to comply with stricter Emission and Fuel Efficiency requirements but in doing so had engaged in various forms of misconduct. This included misreporting engine data for emissions of a wide range of diesel models from 2003 onwards, and misconduct relating to fuel efficiency measurements mainly for heavy-duty engines from 2005 onwards. Misconduct was also found to have occurred in relation to the industrial diesel (off-road) engines from 2011.

Do I have a claim?

If you have owned or leased an affected Hino vehicle manufactured between 1 January 2003 and 2 August 2022 you may be entitled to significant damages for:

  • loss of value of your vehicle

  • cost of repair/replacement

  • loss of fuel efficiency.

In some circumstances it may be possible to obtain a refund.

Will all Hino owners be included in a claim?

Only people who bought or leased an affected vehicle can be included in the proposed class action. Not every Hino vehicle is affected. Please enter your details here and our team will keep you updated of our investigations.

Will claims be included for more than one Hino vehicle?


I have sold my Hino vehicle, can I still be included in a claim?

It is not presently intended to include within the claim, former owners of the affected vehicles who have sold their vehicles

Will I be included in a claim if I bought or leased my Hino vehicle on finance?

Yes, provided you bought or leased an affected vehicle, you may be able to be included in  the claim.

Can I sell, or cease to lease, the vehicle before the Hino claim is finished?

Yes, provided it’s an affected vehicle, you will be included in the Hino claim even if you  sell, or cease to lease, your vehicle once proceedings have been commenced.

Am I able to be included in a claim if my vehicle is second-hand?

Yes, provided it’s an affected vehicle, you will be included in a claim whether your vehicle was bought new or second-hand.

Is there any risk in registering?

No, there is no financial risk to you in registering with our law firm.

What will it cost me?

We propose to  bring the class action on a 'No Win-No Fee' basis. This means we will not charge any professional legal fees or out-of-pocket expenses until the matter is successful.

We presently intend to commence proceedings in the Supreme Court of Victoria and to apply to the Court for a Group Costs Order (GCO).

If a Group Costs Order is made, the court will approve a percentage of the amount of compensation or damages to be deducted and paid to the lawyers conducting the case.

Further information on how any legal costs are to be calculated will be provided when the proceeding is commenced.

Will I be liable for any of the other side’s costs if the case is unsuccessful?


Will I be included in the Hino claim?

The proposed class action will be commenced on behalf of all persons with affected vehicles.

If you do not wish to be included, you will have an opportunity to opt out before such date as the Court may specify. Published notice will be given of this date in due course.

By registering with our firm, we will:


(a) provide you with regular updates and advice concerning the progress of the case.

(b) assist you in obtaining such information as may be necessary in connection with the resolution of your individual claim if the case is successful.

(c) advise you on what damages may be recoverable in respect of your individual claim.

We’ve made retaining us as your solicitors extremely easy. Simply click here to be registered with our firm.

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